Oct 26, 2013


PadPlaces is at it's 4th generation! To be accurate Version 4.0.1 has just been released on iTunes.

This is not the usual tech update (although it's correcting some issues related to the introduction of iOS7).
It follows a complete overhaul of the App, now offering stories with text in journalistic layouts, and complete E-Books, those published on iTunes Bookstore and Amazon Kindle but at a reduced price.
Books and stories are in both English and Italian version, when available.

With this version PadPlaces is widening it's journalistic scope, offering contents that go beyond a purely photographic message.

More stories and E-Books are in the final steps right now and will be released as soon as the V4 is settled on most of your devices worldwide.

The App structure remains the same, with four sections and browsers, but those are now named:
REPORTAGE includes complete photo galleries on major subjects, combining what was in the previous Documentary and Travel Sections.
PHOTOGRAPHY  includes photo essays.
STORIES includes text and photos stories, like a chapter of a book or a magazine spread. The writers are major International journalists.
BOOKS includes complete E-Books.

As usual we expect your precious feedback, also concerning the various tech issues that may arise from the now wide variety of iOS software versions and devices that support PadPlaces.

Aug 27, 2013

MEKONG Photo Show

On Saturday, August 31, the show MEKONG will be inaugurated in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy.
The show is part of the Sele d'Oro Prize event.
All the images of the show are available for free within PadPlaces, in the Photography section.
A journey down the river that feeds Indochina, through Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and finally Vietnam..

Aug 8, 2013


Chinese Opera is a traditional art common in theatres where there are Chinese communities. In Bangkok many Thais have Chinese roots and like to celebrate public occasions, or just get propitious alms, offering a performance to their neighbours. This is the reason for the existence of traveling theatre companies, performing on rudimental, moveable stages. Everything is simple except the costumes and the make up. Such a rich mosaic of colours, combined with the spontaneous Thai acting and improvisation, creates a true immersion in a colourful soul.

Mar 31, 2013


SAK YANT MAGICAL TATTOO E-Book is now available both for iPad® and Amazon Kindle®, and both in English and Italian Editions.
See relative links at


Sak Yant, the Magical Tattoo Art of South East Asia, is part of the culture and the ancient animist cult of the spirits in the region. Now is back being popular among the younger generations. This photojouralistic gallery explores the conteporary forms of this expression, but seeks also its roots in the remote regions of Burma where the Shan people live.
1 video included in the iPad® edition only.

SAK YANT TATUAGGIO MAGICO: l'E-Book è ora disponibile. Info e links utili per trovarlo a http://www.padplaces.com/EBooks.html

Mar 8, 2013

E-BOOK - Scarpe con la Suola di Pane (Italian Edt)

Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi di iniziare la nostra esperienza nel campo degli E-Books con questo libro, Scarpe con la Suola di Pane, che unisce le poesie di Maya Matteucci e le foto di Andrea Pistolesi.
Il libro nell'edizione Italiana è già disponibile per iPad®, vedi qui, e per Kindle®, vedi qui.

Questo libro nasce da un incontro casuale, come due fronti di nubi che si incontrano sul mare. E sospese, scatenano tempesta. Due viaggi che si intrecciano per un breve tratto, due viaggiatori che si ritrovano per caso sullo stesso treno in corsa. Giusto il tempo di scambiarsi un sorriso e raccontarsi qualche aneddoto di viaggio. 

Il viaggio del poeta durò un anno, un unico solo
intenso anno. Un anno di cammino per paesi e tratturi dell’Italia centro-meridionale, da un novembre all’altro. Finché non incontrò il fotografo, gli lasciò in mano i suoi pensieri e ripartì. 

Il viaggio del fotografo durò molto di più. Il viaggio del fotografo che prese in mano quelle poesie dura da una vita.
E per cucire addosso a quei pensieri intimi immagini e storie
il fotografo iniziò a camminare a ritroso nel tempo delle sue foto, dei suoi viaggi, dei suoi cammini. Immagine dopo immagine,
memoria dopo memoria, attraverso attimi diversi della sua vita, dai suoi primi scatti “importanti” fino alle immagini di qualche mese fa. 

Questo libro è il viaggio comune che non è mai stato. 


PadPlaces is the brand under which we are now publishing our E-Books.
Four titles are ready or will be available soon in Apple iBookstore® and Amazon Kindle Fire® formats.
For all of them we will have both English and Italian editions.

We are already in the process of major transformation to PadPlaces application so that you will be able to download these same book with the apps itself for a discounted price. This process will take around two months.

In the next days we'll start introducing the existing titles through this blog, the Facebook page and the PadPlaces website E-Books page that will be the main reference place for the status of various publications.

One important notice: the original Apple iBook® format is the only one supporting videos, slideshows and other additions. This means that you will not find the same interactivity in the Kindle® version that is not supporting these features. Also, some large publications will need to be separated in volumes on Kindle because of the size limits requested.

Jan 6, 2013


Just a reminder about STORMY-TELLER, the 2013 desktop calendar that you can download for free from within the application or from this web link.
You will find a iPad retina size version, or other sizes for your desktop.

Also, we are awaiting Apple to release a 3.3 app update to solve some small problems in iOS 6.0.1

New stories will be available in about 3 weeks, after my return from Myanmar.
HAVE A GREAT 2013!!!